Patrick is Director of Political Analytics and YouGov's spokesman on political research. Patrick designed and delivered YouGov's industry-leading MRP models for both the 2023 Spanish and 2024 British general elections. He is responsible for election modelling and forecasting across YouGov's European markets, and leads on research and development on experimental survey designs, data analytics, artificial intelligence, segmentation models, and MRP products. His client work at YouGov focuses on producing in-depth knowledge and cutting-edge analytics, helping political parties, think tanks, pressure groups, and third sector and academic clients better understand and change their world in data. He holds a Doctorate from the University of Manchester and remains active in contributing to academic research and publications.
You can follow Patrick on Twitter at @PME_Politics
YouGov utilitza a Catalunya la metodologia MRP per a les pròximes eleccions i publica els resultats
YouGov utilitza a Catalunya la metodologia MRP per a les pròximes eleccions i publica els resultats
26 Apr 2024Artículo
YouGov estrena en España la metodología MRP
PP y VOX lograrían 175 escaños, mientras que PSOE y Sumar 147 segçun el MRP de yougov para las pasadas elecciones generales
27 Sep 2023